It's easier than you think, so keep reading!
The Problem
The Solution
My Inspiration
The Results
The Company
The Cost
Try It!
If you're like most people, the thought of building your own website, or paying someone hundreds or thousands of dollars to build one for you isn't very appealing.
Or maybe you already have a website for your blog or your business, but it gets little or no traffic. Millions of website owners (me included) have struggled with these problems for years. Until now.
My site now ranks in the top 1% of all websites!
I'm happy to inform you that I finally found a solution that works for me, and can work for you too!
The solution is a program called Site Build It! (or SBI).
I had never heard of SBI until early in 2009. I can't remember exactly how I came across it, but I am extremely grateful that I did!
I do remember watching the Video Tour and being impressed with the amazing suite of tools and case studies of others who have built profitable websites using the program.
But what really convinced me that SBI would work for me (and also gave me the idea of what my site should be about) was reading Nori Evoy's case study.
Nori began building her site about the Caribbean island of Anguilla when she was just 14 years old!
All of a sudden it hit me: if a 14 year old girl with no experience creating websites could build a highly-trafficked, profitable website about a destination that she loves, then why couldn't I do the same?
The light bulb finally went off, and the idea to build was born.
When I first started using SBI, I was looking for 2 things:
My site's traffic and popularity are rapidly increasing. already ranks in the top 1% of all websites, and is on it's way to becoming the most popular of all sites about Newport.
Although I'm not ready to quit my day job just yet, it's nice to wake up and discover that I earn money even while I'm sleeping from various forms of monetization I've set up on the site (Paying advertisers, Google AdSense, my Newport Shop, etc.).
I've always fantasized about what it would be like to have a home-based business that allowed me to work when and how I want and actually make some money.
Well, that fantasy is now a reality. My site's traffic and popularity are growing daily, my income is steadily increasing and I get to work on something that I actually enjoy!
Don't just take my word for it. Investigate the other programs out there. You should also research the company that makes SBI, Site Sell Inc.
After doing my research, and deciding that SBI was the best program for me to use to build my website/business, I immediately had 2 thoughts:
It's either too good to be true or it must be ridiculously expensive. Fortunately, I was wrong on both counts.
$29.99 per month
Below you'll find a few of my favorite videos and a bunch of great links that'll give you more information about SBI and how they can help you build your own website.
No matter which of the following categories you fit into, SBI can help you reach your goals by building a highly-trafficked, profitable website:
Site Sell founder Ken Evoy explains the process
Amber on SBI's benefits for Work at Home Moms
How SBI can help your existing (or future) business
SBI eLearning
Unique 12 week, instructor-led online course
Site Sell Services
They'll even build your own website for you!
The links below will bring you directly to some of the most informational SBI pages.
If you're interested in building your own website, these case studies and articles are a great place to start.
Case Studies
Work From Home
I Love SBI! (testimonials from users)
Work at Home Moms
Real Estate
Sales/Rental Agents
C-T-P-M (Content-Traffic-Presell-Monetize)
The formula that makes SBI so successful
If you have questions about SBI, you have 2 options:
I honestly think that Solo Build It is the best program out there to help people build their own web-based business. If I didn't, I wouldn't be promoting it on my site.
So if you've ever thought about what it would be like to actually have your own website and business related to something you're passionate about (and maybe even earn some money from it!), then give Solo Build It a try.
I think you'll be glad you did.
If I can be of any assistance to you, or answer any of your questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
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